Media and Geopolitics
Sherif El Sebaie has written for various major Italian newspapers. His coverage on Middle Eastern politics and migration issues has appeared on Il Manifesto and La Repubblica.
As a Columnist for Panorama news magazine (Mondadori Group), he has contributed for several years with numerous editorials on Middle East’s geopolitics with particular focus on Egypt, where he followed the June 2013 protests. For the portal of the magazine, he also edited the blog OrientaMenti.
As opinion maker, he participated in several television broadcasts on Italian channels (Otto e mezzo, Le Invasioni Barbariche, Controcorrente, L’Incudine) and Arab ones (Aljazeera, Alaraby) and in various radio broadcasts (Radio Rai, Radio Radicale, Swiss Radio and Television of Italian Language etc).
In 2008 Sherif El Sebaie was selected to participate in the Workshop “The effectiveness of Intercultural Communication in a multi-ethnic society” organized by the High School in Media, Communication and Entertainment of the Catholic University of Milan.